Starcast for the week beginning June 12th, 2019
You really are the star of the show this week Pisces. While so many are feeling a heated emotional stretch of
discomfort, you stay cool like the cream rising to the top. Mars and Mercury are in fellow water sign Cancer
and together they are opposing pressure-cooker Saturn and Soul push Pluto. For you this represents your Soul
being pushed onto its own stage and yet it's a stage with lights and it's within a theatre you have only dreamed of.
While the stakes are high and all eyes are on you, Neptune in all his glory is forming elevated angles of support
to at least five planets, so you could not possibly hold more energetic favor. A Full Moon in Sagittarius is also
rising high in they sky in your house of the public self on Monday, June 17, and it may very well open a massive
door on the heels of your performance. Now this is the absolute ideal outcome that could occur in the coming
days as these trends speak to potentialities, not absolutes. However, if you surrender to higher forces, a true
warrior will emerge.

Leave it all on the stage and they’ll be coming back for more!