Year Ahead 2019
This is a key year for you with Eclipses in Cancer and your opposites sign of Capricorn.
You\'ll sense you\'re at a crossroads and need to make major decisions about your path ahead and about close relationships.
Partnerships may be strained as the year opens but the loyal bonds will remain steadfast.
Only the shaky, flaky ones will go to the wall.
What is vital is that you aim to be more adaptable and co-operative in the first half of the year, giving the needs of those close as much attention as you do your own.
Health and work look well-starred with Jupiter in Sagittarius till December.
You\'ll recover from minor ailments faster than usual and apart from weight gain you\'ll be on top form.
More enthusiasm and support in your career will make for fun times with the promise of better pay and conditions.
New friends will zip in and out of your life like fireflies - exciting when they\'re there but fairly erratic.
They\'ll give you the courage to try out new and exciting ventures.
Astroinform with Marjorie Orr マージョリー・オー

What\'s for sure is that your plans for the future will be changing radically.
By mid year you\'ll know certain resolutions which have been bubbling cannot be pushed aside any longer.
A more independent phase for a few months will see you making your own choices, which may not always meet with agreement or approval.
But you\'ll know that any commitments must be made by you and you alone.
A more amiable mood in love and relationships will gradually set in from December onwards pointing to a more co-operative and sociable 2020.