The Week Ahead for Pisces 
Monday, 4 February ? Sunday, 10 February  More research is needed.
Mercury arrives in your sign bringing a little more clarity to bear. The Sun remains in the twelfth house, however,
so an element of mystery may still surround a situation or you may continue to feel a little less robust in physical
and emotional terms. This will change, and conversations and research could pave the way for such a turn-around.
This is not the time to buy into rumours or take action on your feelings; make notes, look more deeply into things,
and when you’re armed (with information) and ready you can proceed. Moves made in haste and on the back-foot
rarely succeed.

The Month Ahead for Pisces
February 2019
What is it about February that finds you in hibernation? It’s not the weather or Mother Nature, it is the passage
of the Sun through the introspective twelfth house. Your stores of optimism need replenishing and you are less
resilient all round. But rather than fight the trend, wrap yourself in cotton wool and avoid people who press all
your sensitive buttons. That being said, this area of your solar chart is the power-house of the unconscious mind,
and the more faith you place in your dreams and intuitions, the sooner you’ll be on the road to success. As for love,
be patient: your time will come and probably a little later in the spring. Don’t put all your hopes on Valentine’s Day.