Pisces Love Friday 25th January 2019

It might help to recall that it's not so many days since the lunar eclipse (Jan 21st).
For many it will likely take a few days to recover from emotional turbulence.
Though at some level you might enjoy being part of a drama, what takes place midweek could still be deeply unsettling.
Restoring balance could then take priority.
Amidst all this, - and possibly feeling that you've made an arguably expensive error of judgement, you could attract singular attention from someone born under Aquarius.
Indeed, the rapport you share with them might even be described as love is love at first sight.
Note though, that this could take place on so many different levels: you could as easily fall for a new pet, or be enchanted by a novel.
One way or another, emotionally it's probable that before next weekend you will have surfed a great wave of emotion if not romance.