Starcast for the week beginning January 23rd, 2019
There is not one corner of you that will be allowed to get lost in la-la land this week as your Soul is ramping up
for some serious career building. Profiting Venus and prosperous Jupiter are joined at the hip in Sagittarius in
your career and public-self sector and they are forming a strong angle of support to action Mars in your house of
earning. You will be strongly focused on not only the work you are doing in the moment, but how your efforts will
contribute to your future. You are also making timely connections with others who may carry a high degree of
influence to help you advance in your future and who could be the key to your success long term. It IS all about
who you know. Make efforts of outreach this week, and be sure to follow through at every turn. The unknown and
the uncertainty may cause you to question what is possible, but do not let it stop you from showing someone
what you are worth.

Keep knocking, cuz this time, someone will surely answer!