Pisces Weekly Sunday 21st October 2018

This could prove an extraordinary week for all signs.
We should all be prepared for the unexpected.
For the first time since the 1930s a Full Moon aligns with Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
This accents an area of your solar chart that's all about friendships and networking.
It may be that there is the equivalent of a political earthquake in this department.
Whilst it's recognised that those born under your sign have a unique ability to make friends across every possible divide,
you could nevertheless experience a degree of tension - especially if others seem to be asking you to take sides.
Allegiance and loyalty issues could be a big feature this week.
Not necessarily unconnected, the need for better research and to know more and understand more the history of a situation would surely be helpful.
To this end, you might really appreciate the wisdom and advice from those born under Scorpio or Sagittarius.
In their different ways each could offer useful perspective.