Pisces Weekly Sunday 14th October 2018

Mercury aligns with retrograde Venus in another of the water signs on Monday.
Between now and the middle of November it may be necessary to renew contact with experts and hopefully benefit from some of their recent research.
Even if you only saw these people at the beginning of the year, it could be that there have been significant developments made since then.
All this is indicated by Tuesday's First Quarter Moon.
Though the Moon doesn't reach your sign until the weekend, (at which point your perhaps better able to articulate your thoughts and feelings),
your input at a meeting in the second half of the week should prove invaluable.
Not only could you display extraordinary insight and understanding, you might also offer a way around a difficulty that's puzzled someone since at least mid-August.
It's perhaps not too over the top to suggest that this might be a long-term working partnership in the making.
True, it might not get up off the ground for some weeks yet - most likely because you each have other responsibilities, to attend to first.
It should be clear though that there is much to be gained by working closely.