Pisces Monthly January 2019

Mars arrives in one of the key financial sectors of your solar chart and stays there until the middle of February.
It's transit of this area coincides with both a Solar and Lunar eclipse and, on this occasion with both Venus and Jupiter crossing the apex of your solar chart.
You don't need to understand any of that but can presumably recognise that your profile could be enhanced.
With activity though usually comes high expense.
In your case this could be all about pushing your career forward.
And yes, you may be right - especially between 14th and 18th, that investing in your long-term plans would make the best use of savings.
It's important though for all signs to put in place a safety net as once Uranus changes signs in the early part of March, financially things could get rocky.
It is worth noting too that in the last week of January that there should be ample opportunity to invest in areas
that are usually out of your normal comfort zone but where you sense (probably correctly), that steady growth is probable.