The Weekly Outlook from 31st December
If you are feeling a bit low, you need to do something to boost your energy. That may well be to do with getting
your body in ship-shape order, but it can also be about not allowing yourself to be dragged down by difficult
feelings. The happiest people are those who take life as it comes, warts and all and still smile. If you have been
feeling lethargic about making a difference, now is the time to join hands with like-minded friends.

Next Month's Horoscope for January
Not always a sign that appreciates confronting tricky issues or getting a practical grip, you will need to stiffen
your spine and make some key decisions. There will be two priorities this month. One is money and ensuring you
take the initiative to improve your situation and curtail your wilder extravagances. The other is committing to
sensible longer term plans. You need a goal to aim for and a road map for getting there. Certain friendships will
be moving through a testing three weeks and you'll not always feel supported or on the same wavelength. Try not
to get negative but see what you can do to widen your circle of acquaintances in the months ahead. The more
the merrier as far as you're concerned. Your social status will rise with invitations to special outings where you'll
put on your glad rags and a sparkling performance. In the days around the 20th you'll be wrestling with a sudden
cash dilemma which will require patience and persistence to fix. Then you'll sink gratefully into a quieter few weeks,
happy to put your feet up and let others do the running around.