Pisces Weekly Sunday 30th December 2018

Mars which has been travelling through your sign but most of December, moves into neighbouring Aries on 1 January.
This coincidence is not to be underestimated.
Within a day the Sun and Saturn align.
All signs should pick this up: it's as though everyone is ready to tune in to a different radio station.
Those of your sign will be craving direction and contact with those who get to the point and have firm plans.
Note however that there is a Solar Eclipse next Sunday and it's only then as Uranus arrives at its station,
that some people will have an inkling of what it is that they really are aiming for.
In short, much as you may crave knowing exactly where you stand before next weekend,
it may be that you are have to wait until the Lunar Eclipse later in January before you have that understanding.
Over these next few days it might be as well to make clear to others but there are some restrictions you're not happy to accept.
Note too, that contact with those who are either in further education or who you see rarely, could add another dimension to your thinking,
and possibly, lead to an opportunity you know you'll want to embrace as soon as those restrictions mentioned are lifted.