Starcast for the week beginning November 7th, 2018
Your ruler Neptune is aligning in supremely divine ways to the New Moon in fellow water sign Scorpio on Wednesday,
Nov. 7, to help elevate your life in the deepest possible way. The transiting North Node, which pulls you into your
future, just entered fellow water sign Cancer, allowing you to experience a better flow moving forward. You will be
reminded that when you lean into life with the purity of your emotion, then the pace of your swim quickens. Generous
Jupiter enters optimistic Sagittarius on Thursday, Nov. 8, for an entire year, and will expand your public self and all
that you bring to the stage of life. Good fortune follows you when you make your way out into the world and you will
find that more people want what you’ve got, naturally, just by being you. Action Mars and Venus harmonize in clever
ways to help you energize a new mantra for your Soul’s mission. Tune in to what you really want and need and then
send your request to the Gods. They have their ear to the ground for you!

Om Shanti!