Pisces Love Friday 2nd November 2018

It's probable that you will feel as though you've entered a new world entirely by next weekend.
Boosted by the Scorpio New Moon, Uranus' return to Aries but most importantly Jupiter's arrival at the apex of your solar chart, the cosmic weather will be very different.
This weekend you might well feel on edge.
Aware now that since Venus turned retrograde on October 5th, that many people are developing plans for 2019 you may feel you need to run hard to catch up.
This applies as much to romance and emotional matters as to your career.
It's very likely that in conversation with someone from a very different part of the world to your own, that your interest in a voyage of discovery will be peaked.
And yes, that could manifest as interest in a particular person.
It's likely though, that someone (most likely born under one of the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) has you in their sights.
How you deal with these contrasting energies should make for an very interesting next few days.