Weekly Pisces Love Horoscope starting 2 November
It could become clear that you have a right to change your mind where something connected with affairs of the heart
is concerned. What you perhaps felt certain of in the past or maybe not so long ago could be something you might
feel uncertain about in the light of coming events. You're about to bring a new level of re-prioritization to your
emotional world, possibly through identifying and accepting what you know needs to change - and why. There's no
reason why the coming week can't be memorable for all the right reasons!

Monthly Pisces Love Horoscope for November
There could be much comfort had from turning a blind eye to something connected with your emotional world or a
love partnership. Perhaps, recent events encouraged you to keep the peace rather than shake up anything connected
with love and romance or involving one special person. However, you won't be able to resist the need to return to
Earth and can do much to ensure this doesn't happen with an uncomfortable bump by accepting the reality of a love
life or relationship situation. Whether a 'honeymoon period' is drawing to a close or it becomes increasingly difficult to
gloss over a love life matter that needs and deserves attention, coming weeks could involve seeing your love life in
a more accurate light. This can only be helpful in moving something connected with affairs of the heart forward.