Starcast for the week beginning October 31st, 2018
Life is extreme, there are no two ways about it. People are either on the left or on the right. They are high or they
are feeling lower than low. Radical Uranus is opposing Venus and squaring the Nodes, those symbols that connect
to your past and your future and he never cares who gets battered or buried in the process. Uranus is the great
transformer and when he strikes, he comes in like a jackhammer to cement, to clear away whatever has become
too crystallized. He will not give you a second to warm up to the change. Every Soul will not experience a direct
hit of this transit, but we are all feeling this energy coursing through the collective in some way. People are on
edge. It may be too that you are anxious due to what you are witnessing in the world as there are all time firsts
occurring before our eyes and the shock can make the Soul freeze. A New Moon in fellow water sign Scorpio
occurs on Wednesday, Nov. 7, and the day before the transiting North Node, the symbol that pulls you into your
future, enters fellow water sign Cancer. Energize your inner life and visualize how you want to see things play out.

Just that act alone could very well work a miracle all on its own. Try it, and you will see!