For October 29-November 4, 2018
Image: "At midnight, spectacular fireworks reflected in the ocean"
Message: Dazzling moments.

Friends and close relatives may be strongly attracted by fresh romantic options this week: social creativity and sensuality may now be a compelling influence in new relationships.
For the next seven to eight days expect romantic and social politics to be unusually complicated.
Silently observe: even though loved ones may ask for your opinion, tempers and sensitivities are now unpredictable.
Late Monday afternoon minor home or machinery repairs may be necessary: expect ongoing expenses and odd duties.
For many Pisceans this brief period of scattered practical decisions or minor expenses will usher in a four month period of serious home evaluation.
Remain open to all subtle instincts: a new vision of home duties or key renovations may be almost unavoidable in the coming months.
A passionate and emotionally involved week: react quickly to new proposals and suggestions.