Pisces Weekly Sunday 28th October 2018

At the end of this week Mercury arrives at the apex of your solar chart for an extended stay.
Talking about your career and the next steps will then take on urgency.
Before then you may be aware of a particular hunger to uncover information.
Indeed in the last few days of October you could soak up information like a sponge.
It would be excellent if this were related to some kind of test or exam.
Whatever, mentally it seems you will be on top form.
Given that by the end of next week the Sun makes fabulous aspect to your ruling planet Neptune in your sign, you could soon be coasting into new career waters.
For now, tasked with getting information from someone who doesn't even realise its value might require effecting a charm effect offensive.
It's just possible that this will be done in liaison with someone
born under Libra who is still as yet unaware of their potential but with whom you could yet develop a working partnership.