For October 27-November 2, 2018
Image: "In Hawaii, a surfer riding a huge wave"
Message: Trusting the elements.

Late Sunday afternoon a close friend may reveal unusual family or romantic information.
Planetary movements suggest that someone close may now need to talk about a difficult relationship or vent their feelings of frustration.
Be supportive but stay as much in the background as possible.
Over the next eight days social complications or unusual family/romantic triangles could easily arise: avoid choosing sides or acting as a mediator between friends.
After Wednesday watch for an unexpected ultimatum on the workscene or a challenge to your business authority.
Power struggles and verbal misunderstandings are a strong theme in all business matters this week:
for the next four days expect past resentments or hidden tensions in working relationships to rise quickly to the surface.
Don't back down: disrespectful colleagues need to know your boundaries.