Starcast for the week beginning October 24th, 2018
Emotional waters can be choppy at first with a Full Moon in Taurus hardwired to Uranus on Wednesday, Oct 24.
Together they also oppose Venus retrograde in fellow water sign Scorpio. This electric emotional charge may
continue through the weekend but it should back off in ways after Thursday, Oct. 25. Loving Venus will retrograde
back to unite with the Sun the day following with its rays offering blessings and a light forward. Mercury is also
in Scorpio and will merge with Jupiter on Monday, Oct. 29, evoking some promising potential in your studies or
on a journey that expands your consciousness in some way. This trend will also allow the potency of your pure
magnetism to attract more good things for your Soul along life’s highway.

Relationships of all kinds can build and bloom under these watery skies so make the effort to really come to
know another and it will deepen with ease!