Starcast for the week beginning October 4th, 2017

Talk about the Earth moving beneath your feet, you’ve got strong emotion coming to help set your Soul in a new
direction with a Full Moon in Aries on Thursday, Oct.5. To further increase the magnitude of the shift, Mars, the ruler
for Aries, is in your opposite sign in Virgo and is joined by Venus on the same day. This signature energizes new
starts in key relationships, in some cases due to something coming to an evolutionary close. It’s about finding a way
to press on, while being on the heels of something that has passed on, and this new start won’t come without a few
setbacks. Mars and Venus proceed to square Saturn this weekend, which can cause doubt and wonder whether you
will ever get over something and in some cases a fear whether or not what you want will ever come your way again.
The doubt is a function of the human condition, but there is no room for it in your world. You will be working your way
back to love stride by stride. Nothing rushed and nothing forced, just feel what your Soul must feel to evolve through
this crossroad.

Humility and surrender clears the way for what you wish!