Pisces Weekly Horoscope September 25 to October 1, 2017

Monday and Tuesday
you should not rely on the words of others, and be careful with your own. You are likely to say the wrong thing and dig a bigger hole for yourself.
There may be some distance or separation in close relationships.
This, together with gloomy thoughts, bad news or loneliness, can have a negative effect on your mental well-being.
But this is a quick-moving Mercury transit, and you are probably seeing the worst side of every matter.

Wednesday??a quarter moon brings one week of good feelings,inner balance and a sense of harmony and contentment with life.
While those around you may be hot and bothered, you are way too cool to be affected by any drama.
This is a good time to sort through any recent personal or relationship problems. You can see both sides of the story in a fair and balanced way. This moon will stimulate mental activity and give you a good sense of enterprise and justice.

Thursday to next Wednesday
you should feel more ambitious to succeed. This passionate influence climaxes on Sunday and will highlight any leadership potential you have.
You may even be asked to take on a position of power or start a major transition or project at work.
This is a great week to stand up and be counted, or cut any obstacles that have hindered success.