The testing campaign revealed that Christian Prudhomme has tested positive for COVID-19. The Director of the Tour de France, taking his 4th test in 1 month, will now quarantine for 7 days.
Although he was not part of the “race bubble” and had not been in direct contact with any of the riders and their entourage, Christian Prudhomme still decided to get tested.
The anti-COVID-19 protocol, which provides reinforced protection for the “race bubble”, distinct from others in the organization, allows for the following plan to be put in place following such a situation:
In the absence of Christian Prudhomme from the 10th stage from Ile d’Oleron to Ile de Re up until the 16th stage from La Tour du Pin to Villard de Lans, Francois Lemarchand, who was in the lead car on Paris-Nice, will occupy take Christian Prudhomme’s place in the lead car. Jean-Michel Monin meanwhile, will replace Francois Lemarchand in the n°3 car.