San Diego Super Chargers, San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers, San Diego Chargers! Charge!

We're coming your way, We're gonna dazzle you with our super play.
The time has come, You know we're shooting for number one.
With thunderbolts and lightning
We'll light up the sky, We'll give it all we've got, and more
With the Super Charger try!

San Diego Super Chargers, San Diego Chargers!
San Diego Super Chargers, San Diego Chargers! Charge!

      ♪  \   \  ヽ  ヽ  /   /  /  ♪  
       .∧∧ .∧∧ ∧∧  .∧___∧ ∧___∧ ∧___∧
       (゚O゚*) (゚O゚*) (゚O゚*) (´O` ) (・O・ ) (`O´ ) 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:0be15ced7fbdb9fdb4d0ce1929c1b82f)