
Justin Becker 1 年前 I was researching Capricorn for a t-shirt design and
was really surprised to see this half fish body.
There was nothing fishy about it before. It was a goat.

Justin Becker 1年前 Tシャツのデザインのために山羊座を調べていたら、

Cold Shower 4 年前 iv always taken an interest in the zodiac and
I have always know capricorn to be a goat,
with 4 legs and hooves!! none of this fish tail bullshit.
out of all the mandela effects iv looked up this is one of the strongest and strangest!


Miss Pickle 5年前にもキャップがありましたが、キャップのコーヒーマグも持っています。
あなたはきっと... 信じられないようなことが起きたとき、人はどう反応するのだろう?

Miss Pickle 5 年前 Another cap here and also have a cap coffee mug.
It's still all goat, no hint of a fish. If, when, it changes... man, I don't know.
I've seen a lot in the past month but that will beat all.
You must have been... I don't know, how does one react to something so incredible?

Crystal Eula 3 年前 I'm a Capricorn and I've always seen the image with the fish tale.
Now you should look up the mythology behind it. Ver

クリスタル・ユーラ 3年前 私は山羊座ですが、魚の話でいつもイメージを見ていました。