For January 23-29, 2021
Image: "At a movie theatre, a beam of light from the back wall"
Message: Projection.

Friends may be dramatic or emotional restless this week.
For the next few days long withheld social resentments may come quickly to the surface.
Expect others to be outspoken and mildly critical of new members to the social group.
Rely on humor and witty exchanges: for the time being others may need distraction from their deeper feelings.
Before mid-week a romantic partner or new lover may be sentimental or emotionally needy.
Important issues may involve lost time in family relationships, emotional stress between lovers or changing social roles in long term friendships.
Subtle and far-reaching changes may now be present in the lives of close companions.
Be empathetic and supportive: we all need extra attention from time-to-time.