Week starting 22nd November
It's the way Mercury links with Neptune in your sign that might not only bring a Eureka Moment but puts you
in a stronger position to make a decision than you've been in recently. The enlightenment you look set to receive
means that you could be better informed about something than you have been and can expect to have your spirits
lifted enormously as a result. Also, Neptune moves forward after a five-month slumber. Since June, you've probably
found yourself having to reassess particular plans or the direction your life is heading in more than one way.
A period of pondering or contemplation is coming to a close. This week, be prepared for a new level of enlightenment
that will point a way forward that couldn't be crystal clearer.

  11月22日(金) 総合運 週報
さらに、海王星は5ヶ月間の停滞の後、前へ進む。6月以来、 あなたがおそらく気付いているのは、特定の計画か、