Starcast for the week beginning July 17th, 2019
It is never enough to walk in this world alone for we are relationship beings and the degree of connection is what makes or breaks your life experience.
With so much eclipse energy as of late, it can either increase your degree of depth and communion or make it vividly clear the degree of separation.
Karmic Pluto joined a Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn on Tuesday, July 16, in your house of friends and those who are connected to you through mutual interests,
and you are feeling a clear divide between Souls who are real and can be trusted and those who are antithetical to your nature.
The benefit of the eclipse season is the truth can speak in one fell swoop, leaving zero question surrounding next steps.
You benefit in glorious ways as loving Venus in fellow water sign Cancer is aligning with divine perfection to your ruler Neptune in your sign,
allowing you to be at your best when it matters most.
In life, what people remember most is how things feel.
Someone is getting a feeling for you and it is not something they will ever forget.
Welcome to having the upper hand and to be in the position to choose versus having something chosen for you.
Your highest path soon becomes crystal clear!