Pisces Monthly Horoscope - December 2017

December gets underway with several planets in Sagittarius, the area of your solar chart associated with your work,
vocation and dealings with those in positions of authority and influence. Mercury, the communication planet will be
retrograde in Sagittarius between December 3 - December 22 and so misunderstandings and communication problems
are more likely now if people act in haste or on incomplete information, rumor, hearsay or gossip. This in’t the time
for cutting corners so be sure to rehearse your lines and make sure everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.
It looks like you’ve got work to do even though you should exploit opportunities to let your hair down and put your
feet up. Make the most of the festive seasons to have fun and connect and reconnect with friends and acquaintances,
old and new.

As December unfolds the planetary emphasis turns to Capricorn, one of the most sociable areas of your solar chart.
Therefore, despite the many demands made upon you in the early part of the month, try to get on top of things early.
That way, you can make the most of what promises to be a busy festive season. Saturn, which has been in Sagittarius,
more or less since December 2014, will be moving into Capricorn from around 18 December where it will remain, more
or less, until December 2020. Saturn’s presence in Sagittarius may have corresponded with a significant period for your
work, vocation and life. Hopefully, that path or direction should be more clearer now.

The movement of Saturn out of Sagittarius should also correspond with a lightening of your load and increased ability
to manage and deal with all manner of stuff, personal and professional. You can take certain things in your stride now
that would have given you the heebie-jeebies not so long ago.