Weekly January 10, 2018

You may have a fortunate development that comes to you via friends and/or people who live at a distance.
It appears to be an invitation that allows you to show your best self. You will have to move beyond your natural
tendency to shyness in order to fully take advantage of this experience.
Starcast for the week beginning January 10th, 2018

There is real potential for sweet serendipity early on this week as good vibes Jupiter merges with Mars in fellow
water sign Scorpio. The better you feel the greater your impact, for your magnetism will be intensely drawing people
into your auric field, in some cases powerful people who have the authority to pull some strings on your behalf. It is
a tremendous time to energize what you want now Pisces because your thoughts will rifle out like rockets and reach
the ears of those who can making a stunning difference in your reality. One right move and one phone call could
change your circumstances over night. You will not need to search hard or look far as Jupiter and Mars are aligning
now to make life a bit easier for you. You are in a position to form new friendships and connections with others that
can sustain your work and your ambitions for the long haul. Your intuitive hits are heightened so do take them seriously
and this will prove to be the compass you can count on.

Tune all the way in, feel it, and go!