Starcast for the week beginning August 1st, 2018
Generous Wisdom holder Jupiter continues to bless you with his benevolent presence. While everything may not be
out in the open with Jupiter in fellow water sign Scorpio aligned in heavenly ways to your ruler Neptune in your sign,
there is good fortune growing that is going to benefit you in the long run. Mars is retrograde in Aquarius and squaring
Uranus for the next week, which may be impacting your level of self confidence and with Mercury retrograde in Leo
in your house of improvement, you cannot help but be your own worst critic at the moment. A little humbling right now
is going to make you rise in a supreme way. You have a measure for where you wish to land and what you need to do
in order to get there. It is essential at times to be practical when going after your ultimate goal and to have a strict
plan to support the outcome you seek is necessary. Know that these feelings of instability and uncertainty will not
weigh on you for long.

If you ever need a quick lift, Jupiter is a whisper away. He knows your heart and the nature of your ‘out of this world’
potential. Let him promptly remind you of this truth!