For July 30-August 5, 2018
Image: "On the back shelf of a medieval library, a glowing white book"
Message: Yesterday's vision.

This week vivid emotional insights may cause important breakthroughs or decisions in relationships.
Before mid-week many Pisceans will encounter a rare opportunity to leave the past behind and commit clearly to the present.
The reappearance of past lovers or the re-emergence of problems between couples may also be a theme.
Others will speak their minds openly and honestly this week.
Pay particular attention to issues of differing lifestyles, social behaviors and long forgotten disappointments.
Thursday through Sunday also expect a family member or close friend to have unrealistic expectations concerning your ability to be help with a family setback.
Areas of concern may be housing, rental agreements, financial budgeting or changing health needs.
Saturday evening all key relationships begin a 10 week cycle of frank and revealing honesty: go slow.