Pisces Love Friday 13th July 2018

We are now in that curious but often eventful period between eclipses.
In fact, we are not clear of eclipses until August 11th.
The next four weeks should prove particularly interesting.
Many may feel disorientated and destabilised following on from this Friday's Solar Eclipse which opposed Pluto.
Long buried issues will surely need to be addressed.
Though none of the up-coming eclipses are in Pisces, it's probable that you won't be far from the heart of drama.
Assisting others as they negotiate romantic crises could bring out the best in you however.
Midst the chaos, your own language of love and what truly turns you on and, as importantly, what's repellent, should be obvious and striking.
With Venus in your opposite sign, it's probable that you will feel the powers of attraction and,
with Jupiter now in direct motion in another of the Water signs could be truly turned on by a display of craftsmanship that to you is breathtaking.