BOOL WINAPI DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH PeekMessageW( MSG *msg_out, HWND hwnd, UINT first, UINT last, UINT flags )
  MSG msg;

  check_for_driver_events( 0 );

  if (!peek_message( &msg, hwnd, first, last, flags, 0 ))
    DWORD ret;

    flush_window_surfaces( TRUE );
    ret = wow_handlers.wait_message( 0, NULL, 0, QS_ALLINPUT, 0 );
    /* if we received driver events, check again for a pending message */
    if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT || !peek_message( &msg, hwnd, first, last, flags, 0 )) return FALSE;

  check_for_driver_events( msg.message );

  /* copy back our internal safe copy of message data to msg_out.
   * msg_out is a variable from the *program*, so it can't be used
   * internally as it can get "corrupted" by our use of SendMessage()
   * (back to the program) inside the message handling itself. */
  if (!msg_out)
    SetLastError( ERROR_NOACCESS );
    return FALSE;
  *msg_out = msg;
  return TRUE;