
本日は日本国有鉄道をご利用くださいましてありがとうございます。この列車は特急あさかぜ号 博多行きです。
車内のご案内をいたします。前から 1号車 2号車の順で 一番後ろが 12号車です。
喫煙は 灰皿が備えてある場所で お願い致します。
次は 横浜に停まります。
Leadies and gentleman. Welcome aboard the ASAKAZE Limited Express bound for Hakata.
We will be stopping at Yokohama, Atami, Hamamatsu, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Himeji, Okayama, Onomichi, Hiroshima,
Tokuyama, Mitajiri, Shimonoseki, and Moji, All commutations are reserved.
The Cars second class A sleeper are in cars No.1.
the second class B sleeper are in cars No. 2, 3. second-class seat car No.4.
The third-class sleeping are in cars No. 6,7,8,9 and 10. third-class are in cars No.11,12.
The dining car is car No.5. selling box lunches and drinks is Store is in car No.11.
The conducter's room is in car 12, Smokers are asked to smoke only in areas where ashtray are in stole.
The next stop will be Yokohama. We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you.