24th Sep 2018 - 30th Sep 2018  No time for cissies.
There are times when taking a water-coloured view of life is appropriate and times when going with the flow is
indeed the way to go, but not now. At this point in the year you need to take stock of precisely where you are
and what should be done to get you back on track, should you have somehow lost your way.

Flaws and failings are likely to appear, and, especially where finances are concerned, steps taken to address
problems and increase stability. Closing your eyes to a problem or avoiding the reality of a situation will be
only to make it worse. Summon up your inner warrior and go fight the good fight.

  9月24日(月)〜30日(日) 意気地なしになっている時間はない。 ペニー・ソーントン


なされる措置も現れるだろう(?措置に不備?)。 問題に目を瞑ったり、現状を回避することは、それを悪化させる

一つすみません、原文3行目、tipping pointではなくてtripping pointなのですが、私が調べた中ではtrippingだけで
「足をすくうこと」「軽快な」くらいしか見つからないんです。The Tripping Point in Leadership という本は出てきます。