Starcast for the week beginning September 19th, 2018

The pure and natural innocent in you prefers to see the spirit of someone or something’s potential
versus having to examine every fine detail, exposing the bad with the good.
Seeing things clearly has been your greatest tripping point in life Pisces
and this week you may have to see something for what it is without wanting to.
Mars in Aquarius in your house of the ideal is squaring Uranus in your house of communication.
You may be informed about something that brings it swiftly down to size.
With Saturn forming a strong angle of support to Uranus, he will always be sure to keep your visions realistic
and not allow you to get too far ahead of yourself.
In the end, this will save you time, money and heartache.
You do get back on your horse this weekend with the Sun and Mercury combining in Libra and in stellar Soul Support to Mars in Aquarius.

You can still follow your dreams, there will just be a more practical path required for you to follow to ensure that it can be sustained!