Starcast for the week beginning November 15th, 2017

GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]
With Saturn still traveling at the tail end of your opposite sign of Sagittarius, your confidence may not have been operating at an all time high.
In fact, Saturn can test the Soul in spades and dish out plenty of pieces of humble feeling pie.
However, your ruler Mercury is in Sagittarius as well but forming effortless angles to the Nodes, the symbols that connect to your past and your future,
and gains some energetic muscle by teaming up with Mars in Libra this weekend, just about guaranteeing that you recover the full strength of your stride.

A New Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, Nov. 18, helps you refine and recover some vital pieces of your truth where you feel you had lost your way,
and with Venus rising up to meet Neptune prior to the weekend, you are going to let yourself off the hook so you can access some self love without condition again.

It’s about feeling through to your own depths, forgiving those dark shadowy corners where you are afraid to look, and emerging more weightless because of an inner sweep of anything that is not serving you.
As we pull into next week, Venus combines with Pluto in your house of the Soul to validate the progress you are soon to make.

A well-earned reward is well on its way!