《朗報&訃報》 筑後氏が学校を退学した件 [ひまわり学級]©2ch.net
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0001以下、グリーンな尊氏がお送りします ◆2o6zRMKwKKub 垢版2015/12/24(木) 20:35:55.17ID:qWwhBtfB
なお、ワイ(現在の名前は『七氏野 権兵衛 ◇bMpFRhSfJM9F』ということで)や筑後氏
ガンダムの柔道部長については、生活全般に記してある。  ↓
公式スレは   http://tamae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/kankon/1450091261/
非公式スレは  http://peace.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/kitchen/1448276668/  である。
※ このスレッドは常時 age 進行でよろしく。
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、祝!! イー○総合スレ株式会社(一同)100レス突破!!!、八総保守委員会、新
ワイと筑後の迷子録(初見)、○宰 治を名乗る奴、筑後(B)、うこうこ、柔道部長(D)
、○リオのo( ゚Д゚)oブンブン○、モナー、フサ、イー○ー、ミナミの眼鏡(D)、元湘南A(C)
0103筑後 ◆Ke6Yjxyx0s 垢版2016/01/10(日) 21:59:13.88ID:5SdxHHTF
Accept my apologies for writing you a surprise letter.
I want you to read my message very well to enable you to understand the purpose of this letter.
Before i move further,let me first introduce myself to you.
My Name is Sr.Ramiro Tiago Guerreiro, from Portugal.
I have been diagnosed with cancer,right now I have only about a few months
to live, according to medical experts.
I have not particularly lived my life so well,
as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself)
but my business and money.
0104実習生さん垢版2016/01/10(日) 22:00:40.65ID:5SdxHHTF
Though I am very rich, I was never generous,
I was always hostile to people and only care
for my business and money as the only thing that give me joy.
But now I regret all this as I now knows that there is more to life, than silver and gold.
Love is one of the greatest gift that God gave to us which we must show to one another.
I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world
I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it before.
Now that i am about to die because of this cancer disease,i want to hand over my wealth to you.
I want to have a Personal and Trustworthy Relationship with you,
as I intend and willing to empower the change of ownership for the transfer
of my Deposits to your personal possession for a charity work
i want you to initiate on my behalf to help the Less Privilege and the poor.
I realize that all that glitters are not gold,
there is more to life than to make all the money in the world.
0105筑後 ◆Ke6Yjxyx0s 垢版2016/01/10(日) 22:03:21.73ID:5SdxHHTF
I cry day and night for my past mistake and the reason
why i want you to use my money to help the poor and
less privilege under my condition as
the only way to amend and correct my past mistake and to appeal to God for forgiveness.
May God be with you
Please use this address to contact me direct for discussion,
Sr.Ramiro Tiago Guerreiro
Please use this address to contact me direct for discussion,
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