【板名】 動物愛護(Animal welfare)
【理由】 生き物苦手板が動物虐待による逮捕者を定期的に出しているため、動物愛護に関する健全な議論を行う場として障害になっている。

In the 生き物苦手板, arrests for animal abuse appear each year. This is an obstacle to debate about animal welfare.
There are many of threads that suggest animal abuse, which causes the thread to discuss animal protection to be ruined.
And, the content of the purpose intended by the 生き物苦手板 is “Discussion on animal welfare”, and the resident is not “Anti creatures”, so the board name is inappropriate.


*Discussion on the proper breeding methods and abuse prevention of pets.
*A place to think of administrative logical solutions to reduce killings.
*Information sharing about false or redical animal protection

【カテゴリ】 社会
【ID】 強制