2007/02/17(土) 17:44:11ID:g2jUJrGN0 なかったので立てました
2017/03/31(金) 12:16:34.81ID:8gRShiK7 Feel good, go ahead.
Take care and advance.
Proceed with momentum alone.
Let's take the heaven.
Take care and advance.
Proceed with momentum alone.
Let's take the heaven.
2017/03/31(金) 22:28:34.41ID:8gRShiK7 Push up the sky.
Reaching for you in May.
I want you to come.
I want you to come to the water's edge.
Reaching for you in May.
I want you to come.
I want you to come to the water's edge.
2017/03/31(金) 22:32:14.48ID:8gRShiK7 Hirari chasing butterflies.
Fry a white sail.
If it is Mother's Day.
Please send ash leaves.
Fry a white sail.
If it is Mother's Day.
Please send ash leaves.
2017/03/31(金) 22:42:01.20ID:8gRShiK7 I am watching the first snow this year.
Happiness overflows at this moment.
It is not amenity or weakness.
I just love you.
You will feel like you can overcome whatever you are.
I hope that these days will last forever.
Happiness overflows at this moment.
It is not amenity or weakness.
I just love you.
You will feel like you can overcome whatever you are.
I hope that these days will last forever.
2017/03/31(金) 22:52:21.24ID:8gRShiK7 How much can we do in a limited time?
A feeling that is not words
I wonder how much I can tell you.
A feeling that is not words
I wonder how much I can tell you.
2017/03/31(金) 23:06:47.96ID:8gRShiK7 Where am I now?
I look back at the footprints again.
Good bye is not a sad word.
It's a shout that connects to dream.
Why are we hurting the answers and looking for themselves?
I look back at the footprints again.
Good bye is not a sad word.
It's a shout that connects to dream.
Why are we hurting the answers and looking for themselves?
2017/04/01(土) 12:07:28.84ID:qFH7EcZN We will progress without fogging our dreams.
Do not betray your dreams.
Do not betray your dreams.
2017/04/01(土) 17:48:58.58ID:qFH7EcZN Good-bye while clogging my throat.
Thank you in a small voice to make a mistake as a cough.
I can not find anything even if I search for the next word.
Thank you in a small voice to make a mistake as a cough.
I can not find anything even if I search for the next word.
2017/04/01(土) 23:14:57.60ID:qFH7EcZN If you lose anything more, your mind will be forgiven.
I am searching forever. I will show your figure somewhere.
The opposite home. Window behind the alley.
If a miracle happens, I want to show it.
If life repeats, I will return to you as many times as you want.
I am searching forever. I will show your figure somewhere.
The opposite home. Window behind the alley.
If a miracle happens, I want to show it.
If life repeats, I will return to you as many times as you want.
2017/04/01(土) 23:23:49.69ID:qFH7EcZN I want to tell you that you are thankful, I will look at you, but the right hand connected is more gentle than anyone.
2017/04/01(土) 23:30:14.16ID:qFH7EcZN I woke up from a dream of an unknown world.
This wings spread and fly away.
Please say not to return if you fly.
This wings spread and fly away.
Please say not to return if you fly.
2017/04/01(土) 23:37:17.57ID:qFH7EcZN If you can shine even in a moment, your heart will reach for the spilled light now.
2017/04/01(土) 23:43:47.75ID:qFH7EcZN Take the last train and hold a small bag.
I will leave this hometown.
Waving repeated hands will gradually get smaller.
I could see tears in my favorite eyes.
I will leave this hometown.
Waving repeated hands will gradually get smaller.
I could see tears in my favorite eyes.
2017/04/01(土) 23:55:02.74ID:qFH7EcZN Good bye is not a sad word.
A word that connects us to each dream.
Embrace the days we spent together. I will fly away alone by myself.
A word that connects us to each dream.
Embrace the days we spent together. I will fly away alone by myself.
2017/04/02(日) 00:00:20.66ID:6WaGFERL I always painted the best feelings.
We did a purely dream.
Under the endlessly expanding sky.
We kept searching for answers.
We did a purely dream.
Under the endlessly expanding sky.
We kept searching for answers.
2017/04/02(日) 00:07:49.89ID:6WaGFERL I do not say I want to cry.
You are always next to me, so please show me the smile most.
You are always next to me, so please show me the smile most.
2017/04/02(日) 13:49:54.50ID:6WaGFERL Every day I have something wrong. But when I see you, I will be glad.
I am disappointed when I can not see you. But as long as I meet you, it's exciting.
I am disappointed when I can not see you. But as long as I meet you, it's exciting.
2017/04/02(日) 17:48:41.45ID:6WaGFERL My career is only bright. But I want to fall in love.
I lived in a trivial place so that no dramatic events will occur.
Everything began to shine on the day of meeting you.
I regret the encounter that was too late, I can not return the past.
I lived in a trivial place so that no dramatic events will occur.
Everything began to shine on the day of meeting you.
I regret the encounter that was too late, I can not return the past.
2017/04/04(火) 21:35:54.56ID:dy/dG1QO The telephone rings after 12 o'clock.
The prince has not chosen Cinderella.
But I want to be able to laugh tomorrow.
I want you to tell me your body.
The prince has not chosen Cinderella.
But I want to be able to laugh tomorrow.
I want you to tell me your body.
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