Suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks

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0001Attacked2017/10/08(日) 07:19:05.29ID:8e6ZqIj6
 I'm suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks!! Supersonic terrorisms!!
 The supersonic attacker is also in Yamaguchi city.

0002名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。2017/10/14(土) 09:55:39.38ID:AVjvxA5Q
What’s wrong with you dude?
I heard those super sonic attacks cause earthquakes such as the Kobe and the quake in 2011.
It’s what the American White House is doing!!!

0003名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。2018/08/29(水) 06:45:04.18ID:eNyhD83i


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