Since there aren't that many people anymore, why don't we reduce the number of threads held by about 1/3?
The number of threads held by 「ニュー速VIP」
2022/01/16(日) 18:31:15.66ID:VnuatbsG2心得をよく読みましょう
2022/01/16(日) 18:37:43.13ID:VnuatbsG Disadvantages of having a large number of threads
(1) Difficult to see the thread list
2) Shitty threads are not weeded out.
(1) Difficult to see the thread list
2) Shitty threads are not weeded out.
2022/01/16(日) 18:39:32.87ID:VnuatbsG In order to stop the decline of VIP, it is essential to take steps to reduce the number of threads held. I ask for your consideration.
2022/01/16(日) 18:40:49.08ID:VnuatbsG5心得をよく読みましょう
2022/01/16(日) 18:43:30.40ID:VnuatbsG It is already several times ahead of "Nanj" in the average number of accesses.
We don't want our home to disappear. VIP is our place to return to, our spiritual home. Please lend us a hand.
We don't want our home to disappear. VIP is our place to return to, our spiritual home. Please lend us a hand.
2023/09/25(月) 02:58:37.96ID:J1VxsOBb
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